Current inspirations


Hey guys,
I know it is sometimes very easy to get discouraged at times and struggle to find motivation to carry on with something you're doing. This can be anything from homework to showing up at work that day. Even just finding motivation to have a healthy breakfast in comparison to just having a bowl of cereal. Whatever it is, you wouldn't be doing it in the first place without motivation or inspiration. For me, my inspiration changes from time to time depending on what it involves.

Currently these are a few things that are inspiring me:

1.  a   c u p   o f   t e a
You should know by now but I am an extreme tea enthusiast so when I have a pile of work to complete, the first thing I do is grab a warm cup of tea. It's always good to approach a task feeling good and a cup of tea is what makes me happy. It will also relax and dissolve any stress I may be feeling. If you don't like tea then you could try some other drink that you love. However if that drink is coffee or any energy drink then I recommend you don't drink that because it will only make you more agitated. If you love tea too then I know this will work for you as it definitely works for me :)

2.  a   g o o d   b o o k
I have become completely obsessed with books. Since my bookcase is growing and growing I couldn't not include a book in this list. If I am feeling stressed about anything then the first thing I will do is grab a book and a cup of tea. I use this method to just forget about the stress and focus on someone else's story (ie. the character in the book.) It can be a little risky at times as I tend to read for a little longer than expected and forget about the thing I had to do altogether. However I still use this method to relax a bit. It helps me to focus a bit more. Reading a few chapters (and not half the book) helps me a lot and enables me to approach the task prepared. If your a heavy reader then I suggest you use this method with caution as you may not end up getting the task done... However if you're not a huge reader then a little light reading might help but if you're not into reading at all then any although relaxing activity should help as long as you don't spend too much time on it ;)

3.  f i l m i n g  
For those of you who don't know, I do like to film videos for YouTube. (If you'd like to see some of my videos or subscribe you can click here) I love to film because I can voice my opinion and have some fun. Having fun is very important to do. If I'm having fun then I feel like I can do anything and this is when I can be most productive. On days that I film, I end up getting the most work done out of the whole week. Even if I'm not filming, I'll edit and that also makes me happy because it's something I love doing. I love to make the video come to life. I like to start my day off by filming or editing and after that I have the rest of the day to work and it makes me feel so good while doing it all.

4.  t a k i n g   p h o t o s
Linked to the filming point above, photography is also something I absolutely love. Wether its me taking the photos or even looking through photos on Tumblr or Instagram (Links below.) In the picture above my mug is sitting on a coaster with the picture of Ibiza, San Antonio. I have never been there, nor had I even heard of it before I saw a picture of it and yet it sits under my mug everyday. This is because the beach is one of my favourite places and therefore I want to see it everyday. How does this relate? Well it's a picture of course. The picture makes me feel happy and thus I feel inspired :)

5. q u o t e s
Although this isn't in the photo, quotes can make me feel and see differently about tasks. It motivates me to get to work or to complete the task at hand. To find quotes, you can literally search anywhere. Google, Pinterest, We Heart it, etc. Sometimes we don't quite see how a task can impact your life in the future and a quote can be kept in your mind to keep you going. I like to stick a/some quote(s) a like very much in a frame on my desk so that whatever I'm doing I can just look up and see the quote(s).

So that's what is inspiring me currently and I hope I gave you a few ideas for how to get motivated. Leave a comment down below on which is your favourite method to get inspired, and if it's none of these then let me know how you get inspired. I'd love to know some more ways to get inspired. :)

Love you all
Links mentioned:

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