Time Flies When You're Having Fun


So I just realized that I only have one more week of holidays. This is my last week and I feel like it has just flow by. In South Africa, where I live, it can get so cold. It doesn't snow but it really feels like it should. My room has tiled floors and it doesn't catch the sun so I literally freeze. My siblings are lucky though because they have carpets and heaters but enough about that.

These holidays have just come and gone like that and it's kinda disappointing because I didn't really do anything productive. I mean I slept in late, ate like a pig, lay around, watched YouTube videos and was just lazy. I didn't go out and do something interesting so here is my guide to an adventurous holiday:

1. Don't sleep in too late.
Yeah, it's the holidays, where you can sleep in and rest up but what I mean is don't sleep until the middle of the day. You're just throwing away half of your day already. No wonder time has flown by.

2. Heathy lifestyle.
Of course on holiday you don't have the strict meal times like at school or those heathy lunches your mom packs you so its a bit hard to stay healthy and lets just face the fact... We're lazy ;) What I am saying is that look for some delicious, easy meals to cook at home. You'll be a lot happier when you've made an amazing meal that is healthy and tasty. Yes, I understand that not everyone is a cook and can make all these wonderful meals but thats when your creativity comes in. A fruit salad is a simple, healthy and easy meal to eat. Be creative and look on the internet for more ideas :) A little junk food every now and then isn't gonna kill you ;)

3. Get some fresh air.
I know its hard to have to exercise on a daily basis and when it's holidays there's no way you'd want to do that so this is when you can get a little sneaky. Trick your body into exercising ;) Going for a long walk around your neighborhood, walking the dog, swimming in the sea or anything like this is fun and is exercising your body at the same time. You are also having a better time than sitting, staring at a screen all day.

4. Go a little crazy.
Don't wreck a house or anything a bit too crazy but it is the holidays, so have a little fun. Don't be the nerd who does the next terms work or whatever. (unless you like it ) Yeah if you have homework you need to do by all means do it but don't leave it to the last minute. Its the holidays so have fun. Meet new people, goof off with your friends, play with your siblings, go shopping or whatever interests you. Make the most of your holidays :)

I hope your holidays are incredible! Your holidays will feel like they were to short or they flew too quickly but at least they were full of new memories. Who wants to remember their holiday as you sleeping the whole time? Certainly not me. So make the most of your holidays.

Love you all :)

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  1. Your blog is so cute! :)


    1. Aww <3 Thanks so much :) That really means a lot.


