Skincare Products That Actually Work


A lot of people suffer with acne. It's very common and very natural. You shouldn't feel insecure because of it but lets just face the facts. Acne is disgusting and even I don't like it at all. I can understand if any of you feel like that too and this is why I want to share with you a few products that ACTUALLY work. I have been using some of these products for ages and I can say that my face is clear of acne. I mean, I'm not saying I'm supernatural or anything - yes I do get spots every now and then but most of the time my face if pretty clear. If you'd like to try some of the products that I use then lets begin:

Young Solutions is a brand that I have been using for just about forever. They're really easy to use, not too hard of your skin and definitely work!

Young Solution Wash Up Triple Action Face Wash

I use the face wash twice a day. I wash my face morning and evening and use a towel to dab my face dry and I can already feel how clean my face is.

Young Solution Tone Down Oil Controlling Toner

 I also use the toner twice a day. I apply this after the wash. This is really good because it controls oil and with oiling skin, I really need a product to take care of it and this product really does do it justice.

Young Solution Tee-Tree Night Blitz (Discontinued)

The tee-tree tone down I only apply once a day. This is before I go to bed to that my skin can be taken care of while I sleep. When I first started getting spots I noticed that on the nights that I used it, the morning would reveal a shrunken spot. It was amazing. This is however, discontinued. (This is my last bottle I have of it too ☹)

Young Solution Wipe Out Spot Cleansing Drops

This product is a very new purchase for me. I'm now coming close to my 19th birthday which means that puberty is practically over for me (yay) however that doesn't mean I won't ever get a spot again. About 2 weeks ago I had a really big spot on my nose. I was really irritated by it because spots on the nose are just the worst place to have them in my opinion. I put a drop on the spot and forgot about it and went about my day. I was completely amazed by how quickly a spot went away. The next day the spot was also entirely gone. I honestly thought I was dreaming when I saw the result! 


Johnson's Fair Complexion Day Cream

This is another product that I have been using for years. On the days that I was too lazy to use my Young Solutions products, I would put this cream on. It also has SPF 15 which is always a plus. 

Body Shop Born Lippy - Raspberry

I admit that this is not really a skin product but it does wonders for you lips. It keeps them moist and smells so good, I might add.

That's it! Those are the products that I use to keep my skin clear. Let me know I you'd like to know what exactly I do to get rid of a spot or any pamper routines I do :)

Love always,

Disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting that you should be ashamed of any acne you may have. It's completely natural and a part of life. Love yourself :)

This is not a sponsored blog post.

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