Mandy's Wax Strips


Hello everybody,
Today I'm going to be reviewing a product I got earlier this week.

My Matric dance is coming up (for those of you who don't know, that's Prom) and I thought that because it's a special night and I want to look my best, I would go to the extend of waxing my legs. I have never had the experience of waxing any part of my body besides my eyebrows so this was something pretty big. I mean I've heard that it can be quite painful :0 

I didn't want to have to go to a beauty place where they do it for me because if for some reason I didn't like it at all, I wouldn't be able to stop when I like to. This is what lead me to go out and buy my own wax strips.

After looking through the numerous amounts of different brands and types of waxing I finally decided on one in particular. 

Once I arrived home I read through all the instructions (twice) to make sure I knew what I had to do. This particular box came with 6 strips which were double sided. 

I was instructed to rub the strips together  for 20-30 seconds to warm them up then place them in the area, rubbing over them in the same motion in the direction of the hair. Then you are supposed to immediately pull the skin tight and rip it off in the opposite direction. 

I did just as directed and it barely hurt at all. This is why I was so impressed with this product. It was almost painless and removed all the hair, and didn't leave any large amounts of wax. 

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have such a good experience with it since it was my first time waxing at home.

If you're wanting to wax and are nervous then here are the tips I learnt that could help you:

1. Don't be scared!
I know even when I was getting my eyebrows done, I was nervous. Don't be tempted to believe that it's going to be the most painful experience ever. It really is unlikely as if all the directions are followed you should be perfectly fine :)

2. Make sure all the directions are followed.
It is critical that the directions are followed in order to insure a safe waxing.

3. A little redness is alright.
You may notice that the skin may go a little red. Don't worry because this is normal, it should start going back to normal after a couple hours.

4. It may become itchy or irritable.
This, again, is normal. I noticed that about 10 minutes after, it became irritable. I resisted to rub or scratch it and it soon went away.

5. Test patches are essential.
You may notice that once you get your box of strips, it says to do a test patch. This is when you only wax a small area 24 hours before actually waxing the whole area. This is to make sure your skin doesn't have a reaction to the strips and is vital for the health of your skin.

To anyone who is wanting to start waxing or is looking for a more painless waxing then I really recommend using and if Mandy's products.

Good Luck :)

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