Free Your Mind


About a week ago, I spent my weekend farm sitting. For those of you who may not know completely what that is, it's when you look after someone's farm for them while they are unavailable for a certain time period. So my family and I set off to Underberg to stay in the farm house.

I must say that it was an experience that was well worth it. We live in a world where technology is a very high factor of importance. To go into the berg and not be able to have much contact with society was someone different. It felt as though everything was free. I didn't have to worry about checking for messages all the time, I didn't have to constantly update my status or constantly scroll through images of who knows what. The air was clearer and it was incredible to just relax and breathe.

I definitely think that if you ever get the chance to go into the berg or anywhere in the country side then you shouldn't take it lightly. It's going to be something that you're going to absolutely enjoy. Don't look at it as something that's negative by being isolated from society. Think of it as a way to clear your mind and focus on what's really important. I'm not saying that society and technology is bad in any way because it is definitely something good as it helps to keep us all connected but what I am saying is that it's good to take a break every now and then.

I understand that for some of you it's more difficult to get to a place such as I went to so here are a few pictures for you to see what you're missing out on.  Hopefully just looking at them will help to relax you ;)

Love you all

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