Relaxation - How to relax properly


Hey Everyone.

Today I am currently in the mountains for a short holiday. Because of this, I'd like to speak about taking time out to relax. You may not know this about me but I tend to get very stressed over all sorts of things. Some important, some not. It's just the way I am and I'm trying to work on it and become more calm and relaxed about things.

One of the things I love to do is going away with my family. Sometimes it's ages before we go on holiday. It makes sense to only go away every now and then because it often costs a lot and it takes a lot of planning. I want to just explain to you all how important it is to take breaks and when to take them.

An average person can only take so much pressure and stress before they crack. However some people require more stress/pressure to crack than others. For those who can crack under pressure more easily, they need to take more breaks to function properly and just because you can cope with more pressure doesn't mean you don't need a break. Everyone needs to take breaks. Without taking time out to relax and rejuvenate, stress can build and build until you could have a meltdown. This is exactly what you DON'T want.

Taking this into consideration, having too many breaks is not ideal either. Procrastination, incomplete projects and feeling lost can all contribute to having even more stress in the future. You want to balance your work with your relaxation time.

There also shouldn't be a set schedule for when in the year you need to take your holiday. Rather take a break when you need to. If you feel yourself about to crack then read a book, visit a friend, have a bath, anything to help calm you down. Then if you have the time and still feel stressed, book a holiday over a weekend or something. Explain to your boss or whom ever you need to that in order for you to work properly you need to unwind. Don't go for too long either. Just a short holiday to recharge yourself and you should be fine. It also doesn't have to be expensive. You can go camping or even stay home and lock up your electronics to take some you time.

And remember to have equal work and play. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and I'll chat to you all on Monday :)

Love you all

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