5 things that make me sad


Keeping in theme with my last post, I have 5 things that make me sad. Everyone has things that make us sad and all can be different. Sometimes it is good to have a good cry but it doesn't mean we should dwell on the past. Here are the 5 things that make me sad.

1. i n s u l t s
Insults are things that everyone has to deal with. Trust me when I say that I've had my fair share of insults being thrown at me. The only thing I can't understand is why they exist in the first place. I mean I completely understand that something must have possessed the person to say them (it's normally because they are jealous of you or they are struggling themselves and want a sense of power) my point is. There has to be a reason why they were created. I still have not figured it out and maybe this is the reason as to why I spent a lot of time thinking about it. Also sometimes it's hard to not believe them but I'm still learning. That's something we all need to learn because really, those insults are not true.

2. g o o d b y e s
Saying goodbye to someone you know you are going to miss is really quite difficult. When I spend a long time with someone or even a short time with someone I know well, I dread the time in which we have to part. The numerous times I have seen sad goodbyes at airports and restaurants and pretty much anywhere is enough to make me miss people even more. Although not all goodbyes are forever so I like to keep my hope.

3. s a d   m u s i c
Sad music is always going to be something that will make me want to cry. I'm a very emotional person and for me to listen to a highly emotional song that brings back sad memories is something that will require me to take a lot not to cry. It's also a love-hate relationship because I love the song but it makes me want to cry. It's confusing but I know that it makes me feel sad. I normally stay clear of these songs but when I need a good cry, the songs will be blasting throughout my house. Sometimes it's good to cry about things. Especially if you're a girl because we are very emotional people but if you don't like to cry then that's perfectly alright too.

4. b e i n g   a l o n e
Being alone is again both sad and happy. I am an introvert which means I draw energy from being alone. Some of you may also be one whereas the others are most probably extrovert which means you draw energy from being with other people. (I'm thinking about making a video or blog post on this, let me know if you'd like it) I am someone who will leave a crowded area to just be alone to gather some energy but I'm also an over thinker which can sometimes not be a good combo because I sometimes sit in my room to just gather some energy - as you do - but then if I sit for too long, I will over think myself into a bad mood. Fortunately it's not too often.

5. C r u e l t y
This is pretty much a given as it is pretty obvious. Cruelty to anything is something that really winds me up. If an animal is being hurt or unfairly treated, I become really upset and do whatever I can to prevent it from happening anymore. Animals share the world too and it's not fair for humans to take over and crush them along the way. I feel strongly about it and the same goes for humans. It disgusts me when I hear about  a human being being abused or hurt. Fortunately I haven't witnessed it because I'm not sure how I would act. Most like try to stop it in some way and call some one.

This may have been a bit of a morbid post for some of you because you'd rather not read about things that make me sad but for some people it'll be helping them. If you're one who rather enjoys the positive things then feel free to look at my previous post. To those who are dealing with things that are making you sad, just know that I am here for you all, you can shoot me a comment or you can ask me questions on my tumblr (click here) It gets better, I promise xx

Love you all

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures

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