Outdoor Camp Essentials


I'm sorry to have to say this but next week I am going on a school camp so I won't be able to post any blog posts or videos.(click here to watch the rest of my videos) I know it sucks. We can't even take our cell phones so I'm gonna be completely off the map :( BUT in every situation there is a positive. I know most of us don't like going on these types of camps so here's a guide to not losing your head!

Essential beauty things to pack:

Sunblock! No matter if you are going to the berg or the beach. Summer or winter. Sunblock is essential! Nothing worse than coming back with a nasty sunburn. It also moistens your skin so if you're going to a dry area then it's perfect! Always remember to keep your skin healthy!

Insect Repellent. When you're doing activities you don't want to have to be scratching a mosquito bite from the night before or having to go through the pain of a spider bite. You never know what the bug quality is going to be like there!

If you are planning on wearing make up then waterproof is always the best. You don't know what activities you'll be doing so waterproof might help you from black streaks later. But remember, it's camp. No one is really going to mind if you don't look your best. If you are taking make up - keep it simple. You don't want to come as a superficial prissy girl. :/

Body Essentials:

Yes it's camp but that doesn't mean forget all your daily health routines. Like brushing your teeth and hair. It's important to keep healthy because it's a new environment and you're not too sure how clean it is. I know we all have those days where we don't brush or wash our hair because we are lazy but if you're on camp and you don't do anything to your hair then when you come home it's going to be very hard to get it back to normal because of how bad your knots will be. 

Washing your face is absolutely compulsory. These camps are often very dusty and dirty so your face will be extremely filthy which can cause spots later so don't stop washing your face. I know it can be a mission as you often don't get as much time as you wanted in the morning to get ready but pack some facial wipes and just give your face a wipe before going out in the morning.

I am not too sure in your school allows you to keep your own medicine but if they do then pack some Aspirin. You might get a headache and you don't want to have to have it the whole trip.


Ooooh this is my favorite part! I love bringing snacks and having a midnight feast with all my friends while telling secrets. This is by far the best part of camp. I would even just go to camp for it! 

A few of the best things to pack are chocolate, marshmallows and crackers for smores! I love sitting by the fire and eating smores!

Chips or popcorn packets. It's camp and a little chips or popcorn never killed anyone :)

Drinks with reusable bottles. I know I sometimes like to take a milkshake but once I've drunk it then i have to throw away the bottle and I can't keep a drink with me all the time. Pack drinks in bottles with lids so you can refill them later.

Other Necessities:

Torch. When staying in a place you're not used to, you don't want to be freaked out by a random noise you're not used to and then not know what it is. If you're like my school and sleep in bunk beds then wether you're on top or bottom you'll still be freaked out. Having a torch will make you instant friends if you find that pesky spider now rather than later...

Manicure set. Yes this is crucial because if someone gets a thorn then your handy tweezers might make you a new friend. Your friend may break a nail in which case the file may come in handy or you could treat your girlfriends to a girly sleepover one night :)

Plasters. No matter where you are going, someone is bound to cut themselves on something. You can help someone out if you give them a plaster even if it's just to cover up a splinter hole.


Pack lightly! You can't ask someone else to carry your very heavy suitcase because they have their own to carry. Pack for yourself. Pack what you need and don't go over board with the amount of clothing you need. It isn't a fashion show.

I know a lot of people really don't like these types of camps but I promise you if you go there feeling positive and write down at least one highlight of each day, you'll have a better time.

Enjoy it and have fun. You only get to go a certain amount of times so make to most of it!

Love you all!

P.S. I won't be posting until after camp so I promise you'll get a double portion when I get back! :) I'll miss y'all :)

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  1. Ahh this post is so nice!
    Keep in touch xoxo

    1. Aww thanks hun xxx
      Checked out your blog and I love it so much! :)


