5 Handbag Must-Haves.


My sister left today for something called The Journey. It's a 3 week hike in the mountains where you learn vital skills for life. In preparation for the hike, she had to buy a couple things that even I wouldn't mind using! Some things that the girls packed were essential things I would keep in my hand bag, which gave me the idea of hand bag must-haves...so here are my top 5 must-haves in my handbag:

Apple Earphones
Kleenex Tissues
Canon Camera Model A2200
Yadley Supermoist Rendezvous Lipstick
L.A. Girl Triple Enhancing Lipgloss in Fetish
Woolworths Strawberry Lip Balm

Tissues are something that you never know if you'll need or not but I keep them there because you never know when you or someone else will having a sneezing fit ;) you can also use them to clean up an embarrassing mess on your shirt from a piece of your lunch :)

Earphones are a complete must! You may find a time where you are bored or there's a new YouTube video (wink wink) that you want to watch but don't want to disturb anyone... so you whip out your earphones and crank up the volume! :)

The amount of times I am out with my friends and we have a "picture perfect" moment where I didn't have a camera. So now I carry a camera with me all the time. Yeah, you could use your phone but I'd rather want the real thing and you may need space on your phone :)

Lip Gloss! Lip Balm! Lip Stick! Any of these are essential... I tend to pack all three but just one is fine. You never know when you may buy a packet of chips leaving your lips all dry... no problem now because you have your lip balm to moisten your lips! You may also go out for dinner and need to re-apply your lip stick. Lip Gloss is purely my favorite :)

Lets all just face the fact that sometimes you want the chocolate bar on the shelf in the shopping mall. A little cash can help you out here. I always pack a little change in my bag because it could be an emergency where you need cash. You pay need to pay for parking or your card may have been stolen or you're in dying need of that chocolate bar... a little extra change can save you from some trouble!

These are a few must-haves in your handbag which can turn your night out with your friends into a real amazing time! :)

Love you all xx

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