Finding Motivation


Motivation is something that's very important to have. It's what keeps you going and is the starting point to create. If you don't have motivation then you work won't be as full with passion as it could be. All this is all very well and good but what happens when you do lose your motivation? It's an awful feeling to feel unmotivated. As a content creator, I have had a few moment when I've felt so unmotivated that I've decided to quit all together. However, I know that if I do that I'd be completely unhappy and I would hate life without the ability to create. And so, I have to get my motivation back.

I thought since a lot of people often struggle to find their motivation, I'd share some of the things I do to feel motivated.

1. Telling myself to get motivated.

Just yesterday I was feeling unmotivated to make my bed and start the day. I knew it was because I was feeling unmotivated so I simply told myself that I am going to feel motivated now. My brain automatically started to think more positively and I jumped up and down a couple times before making my bed and cleaning my room. I was amazed at how quickly I felt motivated. I definitely recommend trying it out.

2. Finding new music.

I for one am very affected by music. I've noticed that I often feel unmotivated when I've been listening to the same songs for ages. In these cases, I will go on a new music hunt. There's always new music being released so it really isn't difficult. I'll blast the music and dance and learn the words and somewhere along the way I feel immensely motivated. It's an incredible feeling. 

3. Spending time with friends.

I find that when I spend time with friends who are interested in what I'm doing or have similar passions to me, I am influenced by them. I find that when i'm surrounded by people who I can have fun with and talk about our passions, I am able to feel more motivated and think creatively. I think that spending time with people who love and appreciate you will help to make you feel more happier and motivated.

4. Motivation through others' success.

I find that when I look at people I admire and how they have succeeded, I can find inspiration. I like to look up videos or pictures on what my passions are and then I get inspired to create something even better than what I have just watched or seen.

5. Visual motivation.

Sometimes all it takes is seeing a motivational picture or watching a video. It can inspire you immediately into taking action. A motivational quote is often overlooked. If you think about it, it can really push you into doing what it is you lack motivation for.

Hopefully you can take something from this and begin to feel motivated again. I know it helped me :) Remember you can do it. Don't give up... just keep swimming ;)

Love Always

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