How to be a morning person.


Growing up, i was never a morning person. I would sleep until it wasn't even the morning anymore. Then i realised that by doing this, I lost a lot of the day. I was also always so tired. I hated it.

So I decided that I needed to make a few changes. Now I wake up at 7am almost everyday and 8/8:30am on a lazy day. I feel so much better and I have been enjoying having a lot more time during the day. Here are a few tips I have to help you become more of a morning person.

1. Start small.
If you're waking up everyday at 1pm and you decide that you suddenly want to be a morning person and wake up at 7am the next day - it's going to be very difficult. My suggestion is to wake up an hour earlier each day and gradually increase this until you reach the time you want to be waking up at.

2. Alarms.
Set one alarm. Make sure you put your phone or alarm clock or whatever on the opposite side of the room. This is because you have to get up to turn it off. Once you're already up then it's less likely you're going to go back to sleep.

3. Make you bed.
As soon as you wake up, make you bed. This will stop you from wanting to crawl right back in at any point of the day.

4. Getting to bed on time.
Make sure you're not going to bed too late or you'll just be feeling overly tired the next morning, making it more difficult to wake up.

5. Eat healthy.
Having a healthy diet really helps. You don't have to do anything too drastic but cutting down on fast and sugar will help your body to feel more fresh and full of energy.

I'm hoping this helps and I wish you all have a lovely day :)

Love you all

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