

Hey Everyone,

I want to give you a few updates since things are going through a change.

The main update is that I've decided to change when I post on this blog.
Many times I feel pressurised to put a post on this blog because I feel like I have to upload every Monday. It's been like that for so so long and now it's time for a change.

I have decided that posting on this blog will not have a set schedule. I feel like quality is better than quantity and therefore I will be posting more when I want to rather than when I have to.

My life does not have a schedule any more and with work from college and having to post 2 videos every week, my blog has suffered quite a bit. I found myself putting my blog to the last minute and often I hate the posts I put up. I don't want those who frequently read my blog to get an awful post.

However if I am only posting when I want to, I'll be able to put more time into the posts. Don't worry though! I'm not going away! Oh no! I'm still going to be posting on here, just maybe not every week. And you never know! There could be a week where I post more than once! If you'd like to stay in the loop for when I do post then I would suggest following my blog :)

This explains why there was no blog post last week. I hope you all understand my decision. I just feel like the way my blog is now, it's not my best work. I would rather post when I feel like I want to and when I have time to.

The next update is to do with YouTube. I can't not mention YouTube as I've been spending most of my time on it and I've been absolutely loving it. For those of you who may not know, I have a YouTube channel called KayleighLock. In the beginning of this year I was approached to join a collab channel called Seven Sides. At first I was a little worried about it because I was scared that I was not going to keep up and post on time.

However I accepted and posted my first video on the 3 Jan 2016. Since then things have just sky rocketed. With 165 subscribers and lovely people leaving comments on all the girl's videos, I've never felt so special. My own channel has also grown from about 30 subscribers to 70 subscribers. I notice people consistently commenting on my videos and I've made friends through YouTube. My point to all of this is that I have really discovered how great to community of YouTube is and I'm so happy to be apart of it.

That is pretty much it for the updates. I really hope you will support me in my decision to post only when I want to. Please also take note that I'll most likely only post on Mondays rather than any other day because I've always posted on Mondays :)

Love you all

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