Fighting Temptation


Hey everyone.

I was inspired by Chelsea Crockett in her video on fighting temptation to write this blog post.
I am a Christian and so I have similar views on temptation as she does however I do have my own opinion towards it and this is where this post comes in.

I want you all to know that temptation is a very real thing. Everyone has to deal with it, no matter your religion. Which also means that not just Christians can fall victim to it.

Falling victim to temptation may not come with consequences at first or you may not notice them but in the long term, the consequences will come. Some may not be a bad as others but that doesn't give you any more reason to give into temptation.

Yes, it's not good to give into temptation however if you do somehow slip into it, whatever it may be, you are able to make it right. If you talk to God and ask for forgiveness then he will easily forgive you. The only problem with that is - in the world we live in, not every human will be willing to forgive. Ideally everyone should forgive. Unfortunately that is not the case. Even if the person does forgive you, the relationship between the two of you may never be the same. Really when you fall into temptation, you're hurting those around you as well as yourself in the long run.

So - ultimately you want to not fall into temptation. Temptation is when you are somehow convinced into doing something wrong. This can be anything such as your friend convincing you to steal something or underage drinking or even something as 'small' as saying something mean behind your friends back. Temptation is a horrible thing to have to deal with.

I've learnt that temptation can be extremely difficult to avoid in some cases and keeping strong can be tough but like Chelsea saying in her video: Just take one day at a time. If you're keeping your faith or stick to your morals and focus on what's important then it should be a lot easier for you.

Know that you're not alone in trying to avoid temptation and that everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives. Each time you say no to something to do with temptation, it gets easier to avoid it. I learnt this when my friends were drinking alcohol and I was underaged. Once I said no the first time, it was easier to do it the next time and after that, people respected my decision. That is just one example.

Breaking temptation is something that anyone can do. You just have to learn how to say no to it. I am aware that I am contradicting myself because I always tell people to say yes to more things and that saying yes can open up doors and now I'm telling you to say no. Here's the thing. You need to learn to say no to certain things that are bad for you. I don't just mean saying know to a cupcake because it's bad for your body. What I mean is saying no to the things that are both physically and mentally bad for you. Say no to the bad thoughts you have towards your body. Say no to the toxic words you want to say abut someone just to fit in. Say no to the drugs and alcohol abuse. Say no to anything that is not right for who you are and what stage you are at in life. I'm not saying that you should say no to everything little thing that is bad for you. I'm saying - say no to those things that can harm you or those around you.

This may be quite heavy for some of you but I feel like temptation is something that everyone deals with and I want you all to know how to make good decisions and that it's okay if you make mistakes. I want to be real with you. If you liked this kind of post then please leave a comment about what you think about all this or share this post for someone else to read it. It may help some one.

I love you all so so much

Chelsea's video.

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  1. This was really helpful. I love Chelsea too :)


