Daily Skincare Routine


Hey everyone!
A while ago, in my Summer Morning Routine post, I promised to publish a post on my daily skin routine and voila, here it is.

The first thing I do in the morning when it comes to my skincare routine is make sure I have no makeup from the night before on my face at all. To do this I use my facial wipes which you can buy from any pharmacy/ drugstore. After that I will rinse my face with water. This rinses any of the residue from the facial wipes and making the face feel fresh. From there I begin with my skin treatment.

This starts off with washing my face. Recently I was getting a lot of blackheads and thankfully I picked up a Clean & Clear Blackhead Clearing Soap. This is a blue bar of soap and it's really easy to clean my face with it. It feels very moisturising and I can often see instant results. It's one of my new favourites.

If I don't have any blackheads then I will skip this step and go onto my normal routine which consists of using Young Solutions Face Wash and Young Solutions Tone Down Oil Controlling Toner. These have been my favourite brand for years and I don't think it's going to change any time soon. The face wash isn't too harsh on my face and definitely gets rid of any dirt. I never skip the toner because while toning, it also acts and a moisturiser. My face can get really oily sometimes and this can moisturize my face whilst controlling the oil.

After that, I am done for the morning. I then will put on some make up. With all these products, I never have to worry about wearing foundation, in fact I don't even own a bottle of foundation! However I do use concealer even now and then but other than that I don't have to use anything to cover up my skin. This is why I love my Young Solutions so much!

Some days I love to use a face mask. Although my family get a little creeped out, I love to use an all natural face mask. This normally consists of one egg white, a teaspoon of honey and a little bit of cinnamon. These ingredients do wonders for my face. I mix all the ingredients together and smother my face with it. In about half a hour (Or the length of one episode on Netflix... ) I wash it off and my face feels so smooth and fresh.

Later, after my shower, I will make sure all my make up is off. For this I either use Coconut Oil or facial wipes. Coconut Oil is an amazing product that helps to get all your make up off. After this I will then use the same Young Solutions Face wash and Toner. After that I will take Young Solutions Tee Tree Night Blitz. This contains, you may have already guessed, Tee tree oil. Tee tree oil is also an amazing thing which helps to prevent acne.

That's it! That's my secret to having good skin! I highly suggest picking up coconut oil and tee tree oil because those are the product which you can find anywhere and are the best. I would also recommend doing the face mask 1 to 2 times a week. I wish you all flawless skin. Don't forget that even if you don't have that great skin, it's all natural and you shouldn't feel pressurised to get rid of it or cover it up. You're all beautiful! :)

Love you all

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