2015 Accomplishments


This post serves as a way for me to look back on what I achieved in 2015.
I am not boasting in anyway.

Hey Everyone!

To look back on 2015 is incredible to see how far I have come and how much I have achieved. I decided to make a list on what I have achieved so that I can look back to see what I had achieved. I hope this inspires you all to aim higher and achieve more this year. :)

My achievements in 2015:

1. Read 15 Books
2. Took more photos than ever.
3. Went on holiday to a different country.
4. Got my leaners license.
5. Started learning to drive a car.
6. Got a car.
7. Passed Trials Exams.
8. Passed Finals Exams.
9. Got a distinction for Maths Literacy.
10. Actually studied.
11. Finished School.
12. Made Friends.
13. Reached 20 subscribers on YouTube.
14. Completed my first Vlogmas.
15. Reached 1500 pageviews on my blog.
16. Ungraded my blog
17. Improved my Instagram feed with my favourite photos.
18. Had double the amount of tea than last year.
19. Went to my Matric Dance and enjoyed it.
20. Got out of bed before 9am on several occasions during holidays.
21. Baked more than ever.
22. Have a total of 72 blog posts.
23. Joined a collab channel on YouTube.
24. Went on a family holiday numerous times.
25. Survived staying on a farm for many weekends.
26. Ate Healthier.
27. Smiled more.
28. Ignored the haters.
29. Kept my Cactus alive.
30. Was on the front cover of the newspaper when finished Finals.
31. Saved money.
32. Memorised lyrics to over 350 songs.
33. Completed my art journal.
34. Gave cookies and chocolates to the local police for christmas.
35. Donated clothes.
36. Got accepted into University.
37. Cut my hair and got a sombré.
38. Went in the snow.
39. Tried 6 teas I'd never tasted before. (And loved them)
40. Had a killer year.

Some of these may seem so simple and some may seem so incredible. To me, they're an achievement no matter how big or small. I've improved and that's the main thing. I'd love to hear what you have accomplished in 2015 and what you're hoping to achieve in 2016.

Love you all

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