Busy weeks and Fairway Hotel


Hey everyone. Again I am sorry to have to leave you all again as my family is going away to a hotel this weekend so I am not sure how the wifi is going to be. *crosses fingers*
Also I am in Grade 11 which means I am extremely busy with it being my second to last year (whoop whoop). So I apologize for my posts not being as good as they should be but I promise they'll get better soon :) This unfortunately does mean I won't be able to record, edit nor upload any videos on my channel or possibly not post at all. I'll take loads of pictures for you all though ;)
So today I thought I'd share the advantages of Hotels, seeings as I am going to one this weekend: 

1. Free Mini Shampoos and Soaps
Yup, who doesn't love those mini shampoos and soaps I mean come on... how cute :)

2. Never bored 
There is always plenty of things to do. If they don't have activities you could always just go exploring...

3. FOOD.
You don't have to spend ages cooking your meals. You can have someone else make your meals while you enjoy chatting with someone at the table.

4. Comfy Beds.
Normally the beds are quite comfy and it's such fun to just jump into a big and comfy bed after a day full of activities.

5. Wifi
I know at some hotels you have to pay for your wifi but at my house, there is always the struggle to find the spots with the strongest wifi. At a hotel, there is no need to go searching for the hotspots because it's all around there for you.

I am sorry this is not much to read and some of you may be a bit disappointed but just wait and see because some exciting things may or may not be coming up... ;)
Make sure you subscribe to my blog for all the latest updates :)
Thanks for reading, I love you all

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