Recipe: Brazilian Brigadeiros


Hello everybody,
For those of you who love to bake or just want to try something new then I suggest you try these.
Brazillian Brigadeiros are something I discovered on some baking show when I was much younger. My mum was watching at the same time and together we decided to try them. Needless to say that it was the best decision we have ever made. They are also incredibly easy to make and I thought I would share our recipe for those wanting to try it.

1 tin of condensed milk
1 Tbsp unsalted butter
3 Tbsp Cocoa
Mini Cupcake holders (Optional)
Topping of your choice
Extra Butter (Optional)


  1. Add the condensed milk, butter and cocoa into a pot on the stove on Medium to High heat. 

  1. Mix the mixture until it starts to bubble, then turn the heat down to low.
  2. Continue to stir the mixture for about 10 minutes or until it has thickened.

  1. Once thickened, allow to cool until you are able to hole the mixture in your hand.
  2. Roll the mixture into balls and place them in a topping of your choice.

  1. Place into the cupcake holders.

  1. The mixture becomes extremely sticky and sticks to your hand, making it difficult to form the balls, I normally apply butter like hand cream and then work with the mixture. Although if you don't like butter very much then it's probably going to be difficult for you since you'll be applying a lot of butter to your hands.
  2. Vermicelli makes the Brigadeiros taste absolutely amazing. It tastes sweet at first and then you are greeted with the chocolate on the inside.
They really are so delicious and if you haven't tried them then I suggest you do because you're missing out. Also don't be afraid to try out different topping ideas. Cocoa powdered Brigadeiros are very common I believe in Brazil. They give a more bitter richer taste than the Vermicelli ones.

I'd love to know if you try them and how it goes :) You can leave a comment below or you can tweet me pictures @LockKayleigh :) I'm really excited to see how they turn out. Also comment if you are from Brazil and if you make these often or not.

Love you all

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