Monthly Monday Mission Ep5


Hey everyone!
It's a new month of a new year so this month's mission is to freshen up your life! 
It's the perfect time to re-access your life, where it being in your organization skills, eating habits or just readjusting your life to suit a goal you're heading for.

Throughout the year (I am guilty in doing this) we somehow always go off track and our rooms become messy or we lose work or documents because of our messy desk or we gain a few pounds when it come to holidays, but the beginning of a year is always my favorite year to get re-oranised. it's like life's reset button :) With this being said, here are some tips for some things you can do to re-organize your life.

1. Just do it.
Yes it can be quite daunting to have to go and sort through your room or work area but it needs to be done at some point and trust me, it's better to do it now than later. You also don't  have to do it in one day. Doing section by section is a lot more satisfying. Listening to music at the same time will make tidying up a whole lot more fun ;)

2. Don't need it, don't keep it.
When tidying up, one rule is key. If you find something that you have not used for the past 3-6 months and you are only keeping it because you 'might' use it, then it's time for it to go. It might be hard but it's cluttering up the space so if you keep it, the area is going to be so hard to find where everything is. This goes for wether you are at school, work or home.

3. Make sure everything has it's place.
Cleaning is NOT shove-everything-it-the-nearest-place. You need to spend time, making a spot for each item so that you know where to find it.

4. Make a plan.
Having a action plan of what needs to be done for that day/week/month can really help. It helps you stay organized and can help make sure you get everything you need to do done. This can also be a food plan, just instead of writing what needs to be done, write what you meals you're going to have for that day or when you are going to exercise. Also make sure you stick to it. :)

5. Keep it that way.
Ok so once you're done cleaning, keep it clean. I know it's harder than it sounds but it just means that the next year, you'll have less a job to do. Also it will save you from having another huge clean out about a month later. 

Hopefully I've encouraged you to start cleaning even a little bit! :) Good luck and happy cleaning!
Love you all 

P.S. I may have been forgetting to tell you all but I do actually have a vlogging channel :) You can find it here

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