Valentine's Day Inspiration ♡


Happy (belated) Valentine's Day Everyone! I hope you all had a brilliant day!

At my school, we have this thing called the Rose Ceremony. It's basically where different schools from all over the city can send roses and saucy letters to each other. 

When it comes to the 14th of February every year, I was always the one person who never got roses or chocolates or even had a lover but now I'm 100% ok with that.

I wasn't always like that though, but that's ok because when I turned 14, the year of my first ever Rose Ceremony, I can't say I wasn't jealous at how my friends were getting roses from boys and I wasn't. The next year, the same thing happened and again I felt upset. The 3rd year was when I decided that I wasn't not going to let the fact that I didn't get a rose, ruin my day.

Last year was my 4th year and this year was my last year. I can honestly say that even if you don't get anything you can still feel happy on that day. It's all about how you see things. If you see the fact that you didn't get a gift as something negative, you won't be very happy. You'll be very upset quite literally.  On the other hand if you think of it as a day where you are happy and spend a great time with your friends then you'll have a blast.

Also if you did have a valentine then I hope you got spoilt rotten. If it wasn't by gifts then I'm hoping you got showered with cuddles. :) I hope you had a great time celebrating your love for each other in any way you did. Wherever you are, whatever you did or who ever you spent the day with, I hope you all felt special. 

I know that some of my friends felt very upset because they didn't have a boyfriend or they didn't go out for a lovely dinner but I told them the same thing that I am about to tell you. No matter what your history is or what your future is, you'll always have someone who loves you. Trust me on that. I know of so many stories where people have had a terrible time and they thought that no one loved them when in actual fact, they had so many people around them who loved them so much.

Even if you are struggling to see who loves you then always know that I love you. I may not have ever met you but I still love you because lets face it, what's not to love about you. I don't care about what hardships you've through. I don't care if you're a beggar on the street or if you're in the upper class. You're all pretty amazing to me. Sure we all have flaws but that's what makes us pretty lovely. Anyone who says they are perfect are either drunk or just upright incorrect. The only way you could ever be perfect is if you are imperfect. 

So if you ever feel down or you feel like no one loves you, know that I'm here for you and just to make sure you know that, why don't you all leave a comment saying something you're proud of or love about yourself. I want anyone reading this to see how you can be proud of a flaw you have. I can start it off by saying that I have two different sized ears which I love. I feel like it adds character to me. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you're proud of! :)

Love you all soooo much

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